Antron Technology Marketing
Feb 1, 2023
Bridging Domain Knowledge with Technology is the only way of success.
Thank you Huawei Cloud for the invitation to #HuaweiCloudForum2022 at HKSTP - Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.
Justin LING, Founder of Antron Technology Limited, had the chance to share his thoughts about the trend of the emerging AI technology and how #ComputerVision can be transformed to practical usage in #HongKong, in order to build a #SmarterCity.
Great applause to all the #speakers and #professors, that made great academical sharing of #ArtificialIntelligence and the application in collaboration with #HuaweiCloud 👍🏼
🔹Follow Antron Technology Limited if you want to know more about how AI can be applied to practical usage🔹
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